Saturday, May 23, 2009

Out in Californ-i-a

Thanks to all of you for your prayers during my traveling to California... I made it safely and with no complications.  Just wanted to update you on my first week here...  

Upon arriving in Lakewood (suburb of LA, even though you can never tell where one city ends and another begins) I was greeted by my host family who have been more welcoming than I could have imagined.  I am staying with the Webb family, Rob and Melanie and their two young daughters Faith (8 today) and Bethany (13 I think, I'm not at home so I can't double check).  They keep telling me how much God has blessed them, and for them not to be able to share it with others would not be honoring to God...  apparently they also get to learn some pretty interesting things about people, and hear a couple good stories at the same time.  Hopefully I won't disappoint...

In the last couple months I keep being reminded of God working in the lives of people causing them to give their lives away, (just like the Webbs now, the Parkers over Easter break, and the Mares family when I was previously in California.)  and in turn those who are receiving of these gifts are challenged to do the same.  Even those who claim God does not exist... they also experience God when they turn to the next person and are giving of themselves...
Proverbs 16:18- "A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the great."
This verse has been on my mind for months now...  and it reminds me a lot of what some call "paying it forward".  Which I've come to realize happens quite a bit, and yet people are experiencing God even when they are unaware of it.  

Since I've been here, the team has played in two games, both ties.  I am on the team as a reserve player as of now, hopefully with the opportunity of being rostered soon and competing for time.  I try not to let that discourage me, I have missed  a good portion of the season (our first 4 games) and the team is full of very good players... however, I never have enjoyed watching from the sideline.  Right now I am trying not to get to caught up in that but enjoy all the community involvement and ministry opportunities that we are a part of, which was the primary reason I wanted to be a part of this organization in the first place.  

Tomorrow we leave for a retreat in Paso Robles where we will put on a couple of youth clinics in the area, and get to talk a bit more intimately as a team...  it will be my first ministry opportunity with the Seahorses so I am really excited to see how it goes.  Hopefully when I get back I'll have a bit more time to update you all about the weekend and how our Sports Ministry Training is going (our team small groups that we have after training).  Right now I have one verse that has been on my mind from Thursday's SMT.

I Corinthians 9:19 Paul writes, "Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible."  

You should probably read it in context with the whole chapter, but I'll post my reflections on the passage when I have more time to write out an in depth response of what the passage means to me as an athlete and as a Christian.  That's just a little teaser as to what's going through my head these days.

As always I am thankful for your prayers and your support...  Mexico is only weeks away! Please continue to pray for me and our ministries.  



  1. There is freedom in getting out of ourself and loving on others - takes us out of our own struggles - trusting God for the outcome. Advice I need to remember. Getting down with people where they are to give them a "foot up" is so important to building a repore. Many people are shocked when someone shows true care and concern - they are not used to it! Love, Mom

  2. Mrs. Eaton mentioned a very very accurate statement about people being shocked to see true care and concern. Our world is moving - moving too fast that people do not even have time to sit, get together and spend some time talking. Instead, now a days, people simply say: "Hi" or "Hello" and off they are to their own duties. Therefore, when some people see true care and concern, they are shocked.

    Cyrus buddy, after your work in California, you go on another mission to Mexico? And, no you were not pessimistic at all about your previous post, rather I liked what you said that there is more to a person, rather than just their education.


  3. I will agree with both of you, people are so caught up in the bussiness of life that statements like "what's up?" and "how are you?" don't really mean anything more than "hey". When people truly care, it catches people off guard.

    Sachin, as for Mexico... My team will be traveling to Mexico for a week in the middle of our season to do missions work there, but also to play in some exhibition games against local teams. So it is all a part of the summer plans, just a week on the south Pacific coast in Mexico playing soccer and playing with kids... it's gonna be great!

