Monday, August 29, 2011


I just finished reading the book, Radical, by David Platt.  In my digestion process I usually choose to write about things…  plus, I am still out of regular work, so this is what I do… journal. 

Did I enjoy the book?  I did, it was very thought provoking and convicting; at times it was also affirming of certain things that have been on my heart.  Yet, just like everything we read or see on television, I think we need to enter with the mindset that these are human thoughts and should be thoughtfully considered and even challenged.  Blind agreement can be dangerous, if we read something that parallels much of our own beliefs, we can often fall into believing the whole thing. 

I’m not writing this to say that I disagree with David in his book, yet there is much that I am still processing.  In fact, I would certainly recommend others to read it and would welcome their thoughts on this book and its message.  There are great arguments found in David's writing, and I think God has used this book to inspire many towards a radical pursuit of Jesus.  But at the end I am unsure if David missed something, I’m not even sure I can explain what it may be. 

Absolutely, I believe we are all called to a radical obedience of the gospel.  However, this may be very different for a lot of people, depending on their season of life.  Not only did Jesus call his disciples to give up everything and follow him, but I also believe that he entrusted others with large amounts of material possessions for His glory (just a few that come to mind are King David, Joseph, and Daniel).  God can use us where we are at, I fully believe this.  But, we must be soooo careful that we do not confuse where we are currently, with God’s will for us.  He has given us free will, that doesn’t mean that everything we decide, and do, is a part of God’s greater plan for us.  Only when we are walking in step with Jesus, will we more consistently make those decisions and choices that God wises for us as a part of His perfect plan (the whole draw near to God, and He will draw near to you idea). 

This is where my little disconnect with the book comes in.  I believe David, maybe unknowingly, has painted a picture that God has all called us all to go abroad, as soon as possible.  Yet it seems right though, "Go and make disciples of all nations..." (Matthew 26:19).  Honestly, I do not believe David intended for us to feel this, but I found it continually resonating in my mind the more I read.  Ironic enough, this is largely how I desire to live; but for myself, and for others who read this book, we felt that in order to be a committed Christ follower we must go abroad, and soon. 

I do believe God is calling many of us to give up everything and go.  Yet, I do not believe that God wills us to go with out preparation by studying the Bible, learning the language, or understanding the culture.  Nor do I believe he will ask many of us to walk away from all other responsibilities in our life. He has entrusted many of us with these responsibilities (families, finances, relationships, etc...) to be used for his Glory.  However, I do believe He can call any of us, at any moment, prepared or not, responsibilities or a lack there of, to go right now...  but I do not think this is how God calls everyone.  In fact, by Jesus’ example we see that he spent three years discipling twelve men before deploying them.  He prepared them, before sending them out.  If I can be certain of one thing it is this, God is preparing us, and He certainly desires to send us. 

It is quite likely that your time will come when you can, and should, give it all away.  I’ve been inspired by family friends who, after both of their kids left for college, sold everything to go work full time at an orphanage in Guatemala.  Still, before their kids went off to school they would make annual trips to this orphanage and give of themselves generously, as a family.  They raised their family in such a way as to prepare them to be deployed. 

So this is my take, where do we begin our radical obedience to God?  By getting on our knees, studying the Bible, and pursuing the heart of God with other Christ followers.  There is no cookie cutter way in which God works…  but He is working, and he will do crazy things in your life, and mine, when we radically pursue Him. 

II Corinthians 4:5
For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake.

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