Friday, July 29, 2011

Live a Better Story.

I love Donald Miller.  The first book of his I read, Blue Like Jazz, was the first book that challenged me to understand faith as my own.  As much as I loved that book, it has taken me over four years to pick up another of his works, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years.  Sure enough, I came across this book while looking for another book by a different author.

God has a way with “perfect timing”.  I’ve wanted to read this book for awhile, but I don’t think I was ready for it until now.  These last few months God has occupied much of my thoughts with questions about life’s purpose and meaning, both for myself and for others.  Ironically, this is what Miller is writing about... at least that is what I believe I am reading about. 

Life (being human, purpose, meaning, whatever you want to call it) is very much like a story, it is our story.  Do we truly want our story to be simply about our pursuit of comfortable living?  Do we want our story to be simple at all?  I don’t. 

That’s where Miller’s challenge comes in.  Live a better story.  You and I, whether you believe our lives to be spoken into existence by God or not, have been given control of our own story.  The pages to our future are unwritten.  They are not written for me, and they are not written for you either.  You and I have the opportunity to write our futures, to write successes and failures, adventures and misadventures.  Or, we can write a simple story, of avoiding conflict, playing it safe, taking care of ourselves, not risking anything.  We can write a boring story, if that is what we want. 

Even though we have been called into existence for a purpose, our future is our own.  However, "writing" our story should still include learning to trust and depend fully on God’s plan for us, which I hardly doubt is a simple, comfortable, and meaningless life.  Still, He has created us for a purpose and given us the opportunity to live for something greater, live for something other than ourselves, live in faith.  This is the exciting part about being human, having the ability to make our own decisions, step out in faith, and live out the adventure that God has purposed us for.

So here is my question to you (and me).  When someone else tells our story, what will they say?  Will it be about comfortable living, free from risk?  Or will it be about struggle, conflict, and adventure?  Do you believe that God has written us into existence so that we can live comfortably, or for something more?  How will we live a better story?

Psalm 139:16
“All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.”

Friday, July 22, 2011

Brown paper packages, tide up with strings… These are a few of my favorite things…

It has certainly been awhile since my last blog post, but camp has kept me far from my computer for most of the summer.  With that said, it’s been hard to capture my experiences as they happened.

While I met a lot of incredible people who I now consider amazing friend, the “theme” for this post was inspired by one, Sarah Daniel.  She was one of the first counselors I met at camp, and before camp even started she asked, “So Cy, do you love camp yet?”  I won’t lie, I initially thought Sarah was a bit crazy, but I was wrong…  She just loves camp, she loves when other people love camp, and now she loves that I love camp. 

So here are just a few reasons why I love camp:
(I'm sure I missed some important ones... so if you would like to add, please do)

The unforgettable things that kids say and do, they really do say the darndest things… I love camp.
·      Camper on our overnight, “If I snare a dear, can we eat him?”
·      Camper 1: “What was Jesus’ last name?”
Camper 2: “Christ, duh.”
·      Camper:  “Cy, have you finished reading A Brief History of Time (A Stephen Hawking book on the theory of relativity, time travel, and why we are on earth) yet?”
Me:  “Kenny, you gave it to me this morning.”

The pool, the diving board, Swim Olympics and Belly Flop competitions… I love camp. 
Suffering through the days when there was no coffee, but totally relying on each other to do so...  I love camp.

Counselor hunt, war paint, ninja outfits, hiding on top of the basketball hoop... I love camp. 
Mikie/Cy, Life/Death, Good/Evil...
Working rental camps, staying up late playing board games, sleeping through breakfast… I love camp. 

Thanks to camp, my brother and I have the satisfaction of knowing that two pairs of these pants exist... and we own them both...  I love camp.
Assist goes to Emily Sumners and Sarah Daniel
Talking to each other in our "Ms. Kim" voice, because it's so awesome... I love camp.

Dressing ridiculous for camp dances, and dancing so hard that your entire shirt is soaked in sweat…. I love camp
Hippy Dance with Jal, Myself, Mikie, and Shaun
Having a birthday at camp, and feeling incredibly loved… Camp birthdays are the best...  I love camp.

Co-counselors...  I love camp.
Ryan was my only co-counselor this summer.
So grateful for this guy.
Getting my chest waxed in front of camp during the two week session, all thanks to my brother…  I love camp. 
"Kelly Clarkson"
Waxing my brother's leg and armpit...  I love camp...  and I love my brother.
About to wax Mikie's armpit.
Storms in our little tin cans, also known as cabins… I love camp.

Playing Mafia, telling jokes, and sharing riddles with the campers till late, knowing how hard it is going to be to wake up for that breakfast bell and loving every minute of it… I love camp.

Getting to shave your facial hair in a way that is usually culturally unacceptable, but at camp is totally okay, arguably… I love camp.  
If that doesn't say "America", I don't know what does.
Prank night… I love camp.

Ropes Staff and talking about "our feelings"… I love camp. 

Sharing deep conversations, hearing the hearts of new friends,  and writing letters between cabins… I love camp. 

Making “True Life: I love camp” with Sarah… I love camp. 

Being able to spend this summer with my brother and Ben, couch surfing and generally just being up to no good… I love camp.
Ben, Mikie, and I at the Sounds Game on the 4th of July with
our friends from camp (Emily Sumners is the only one pictured)

Showering with ginormous spiders, and being perfectly fine with it… I love camp. 

Hearing where many of our campers come from, where they are going home to, and knowing that you’ve influenced them in a positive way in the short time they spend at camp…   I love camp.  
Some of the youngins' at trading post
Learning to play new songs on the guitar, thanks to Ben for the lessons and Sarah for her Guitar…  I love camp. 

Spending the whole summer getting to know and working with some amazing people, hoping that they learned just as much from you and you did from them…  I love camp.
Summer Staff and the magical Danger Ranger