While I had originally started this "blog" in efforts to keep my supporters well informed of my summer working with Missionary Athletes International (MAI). Months later I have decided to get back into the e-journaling world, mainly for the sake of sanity.
It really has seemed like my first semester of Grad school flew by, I constantly find myself having to make time to stop and think about all that is going on in my life. Work has been great, co-workers have been easy to work with, the job has been fun, and while there has been a lot of learning that needed to take place (and is continuing to take place) I have been able to look back and realize how much easier I could have made everything if I just had some of the knowledge and experience I have now. I guess that is just part of the learning process.
With that said, my most recent thoughts have been pertaining to my time management and trying to juggle class, work, coaching and weekend trips with Outdoor Pursuits... In the middle of all that I had going on, my fear was that somewhere a long the lines one of these areas was going to get the short end of the stick. What I found out is that each area had its turn at getting the short end of the stick at some point or another. At one point in the Semester when feeling just a little burnt out my boss had said something to me that someone had once told him. We need to be careful when we feel burnt out because it may not be that we just do not have enough time to do it... but have unfortunately misplaced our desire to do it or do it all.
Even though I am still alive and kicking I feel like I have been able to regroup... refocus my efforts, and reestablish my priorities... Hopefully in blogging about these I can be reminded of past problems, or possible future problems that may seem to be unfolding... and if this happens to be the only post you see in two months, well that may just be the case, and I may have found my sanity... but I probably just decided I didn't have time for it. One of these days I may just get this time management thing down, I'd like that.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Reflection Time...
Sorry there hasn't been an update on how things have been going for awhile... But since the last couple weeks of the season, finishing camps, driving home, and now back to Tennessee, I have had very little time to sit down and write out my thoughts regarding just the last month, let a lone my whole summer. The bad part about blogging is when you get behind, there is so much you want to talk about, but continually find less time to talk about more happenings. However I think I have figured out a way to adequately reflect on my summer of playing soccer, loving people, and being encouraged to do as much of those as possible... I'll put up some pictures, and you know what they say about pictures... they paint a thousand words... or something.
The trip to Pinotepa and Ometepec in the south west pacific coast of Mexico was great... My eyes were opened to so much in terms of ministry and culture. A culture so consumed by soccer provided us with an amazing platform for ministry... even if they weren't interested in hearing our story at half time or after the game, they still wouldn't miss the opportunity to see there hometown players play against a group of Americans. This trip challenged me in so many ways in dealing with so many people... my teammates, the missionaries we partnered with, the players we played against, the fans who watched us play, and the churches who helped us a long the way. The amount of contact we made was incredible and hopefully it's a project that the Seahorse organization can continue to follow up with in the years to come.

Seahorse Soccer Camps- "All My Might"- Colossians 1:29 "And for this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power which mightily works within me." That was the theme verse for our week of camp... on top of our soccer curriculum of dribbling, passing, shooting, heading and defending, we also had a bible curriculum which focused on what it means to love God with all our might. Topics included what is so mighty about might, loving god with all our might, when our might isn't enough, and the gospel which represents God's might power. Every thursday was decision day... we would use the evangecube and tell the kids the story of Jesus on the cross and what that means for us. It was great to see kids make personal decisions to follow Christ through our camps, and to be able to sit down and talk to them personally about these decisions... I don't think I will be able to view soccer camps in the same way ever again. The pictures below include pictures from decision day, coaches campers game, jersey day, and crazy hair day.
coaches campers game
On top of our missions trip, and camps, we still had our PDL season... we finished the season 4-4-8 right in the middle of the pack... It was a tough season, the demographics of the team always seems to be changing. I found myself playing all positions again, which is something that I have been used to doing in the past. Except now the competition was even higher. I can honestly say that growth came in all areas this summer... Faith, soccer, and relationships... Being on a team of quality soccer players who could also encourage me spiritually is not a situation you will often find yourself in. Yet the bar has been set, and I have a good idea of what it means to bring Christ central to competition... which is something that I have struggled with my whole life, balancing Christ and soccer. The pictures below are just various pictures throughout the season...
Game vs. LA Legends

Getting announced

Home game vs Ventura

Me being a dork... walking out to the field.

Away game at Ventura, I ended up getting knocked out this game with a run in with the keeper. Uncle Chip and my parents were there for that one.

For one of my last home games, my parents were able to come watch me play as well as a few of my uncles (dad's brothers) who were currently living in California. It was great for me to catch up with my parents and play in front of my Uncle Chip since he had never been able to attend any of my high school or college matches, yet he was always able to remain one of my biggest fans and closest supporters. Being able to spend time with Chip, Doug, my parents and even some new friends John and Ryan was a good way for me to wind down the season. I don't know how much soccer I have left in my future, but it wouldn't have felt right without being able to play in front of Uncle Chip. (Pictures compliments of Chip, thanks!)
My cousin Coryn was there too!
Coryn lives in Newport, unfortunately I didn't get to see her until the 4th of July and she was able to make it to a few of my games shortly there after.

The Webb family- (Left to Right) Bethany, Robb, Myself, Faith, and Melanie. This was my host family for the summer and some of my biggest fans. Unfortunately they had to leave before my last week there to go on vacation so this was our last day together before our game that evening. I was truly blessed to live with such a generous family and felt more like a member of the family than a guest in their house.
On my way back to TN I was able to spend some time in Colorado with a lot of cool people... The Suttons were a family that my parents had met only once before but were able to get to meet the whole family, (Left to right- Heather, Vickie, Stormin Norman, Ryan, Myself, Mom, Cristina, and Dad) and instantly hit it off with everyone... The best part was all of us kids were the same age and just had a blast going hiking, cliff jumping, sight seeing, and playing board games till the wee hours of the morning.

I want to say that for the most part sums up my summer in California... there's just no way. I know there is stuff missing here or there. The experience was invaluable, and you can't even try to quantify the amount of learning that took place this summer. I was constantly reminded that God is everywhere, working in everyone, even when they are unaware of it... and often times I am unaware to God working around me. I don't know where this experience fits into God's big plan for me, I met a lot of people who I feel have been very influential in my life this summer and can see working with them again in the future loving people together... I can say that I am very excited about the new stage of my life which begins soon here in Nashville. In a week I will start training for my new job working campus recreation and have been accepted as a graduate student into Belmont's grad program.
I originally started this blog to keep you all posted on how my summer has been going. I do not know if I will continue to blog or not... but as this new job unfolds I may consider putting my thoughts down and just to discuss how God's been challenging me. Thanks again to all those who helped me in making this summer possible, it was a true blessing.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
UPDATED- Fotos de Mexico
Here are the updated photos from out Mexico trip, including games and clinics! Enjoy!

At Aculpoco getting ready to fly back

Me and Kramer in Ometepec for our last game.

Me and Nate working with some kids during one of the morning clinics, we'd do clinics and invite them to come to our games.


Shaking hands before the game

Pablo Shedd at the field in Pinotepa

Action photo, good shot of the stands.

Nate was our ringer, he was the Missionary kid we picked up who could play some ball.

Beginning stages of Sr. Bigote

Clinics with the kids during the PE classes.

Party truck we drove around Ometepec blasting music and promoting our game.

Kramer, Pablo, and German with some of the players we played against in Pinotepa- This was after our dinner with them.

Pinotepa game and fans... the fans actually lined up around most of the field but those were the only stands to sit in.

My coach sharing his testimony at half time- Pablo translating

The Crew at our hotel in Pinotepa.
Paul Gizzie- The Don/Grandpa/Abuelo/The Silver Fox... Ready to go.
In Ometepec outside our hotel on the calle (street).
Headless Joe
Welcome to Ometepec
Catholic Church in the Center of Ometepc, huge! John Brooks and Josiah talking with Dr. Norman...
View from the Party Truck- Driving through the Streets.
After our dinner with the opposing teams in Pinotepa.
John checking out the trash on the side of the road-
Same Catholic Church in the center of Ometepec.
Eder gave Josiah, Matt and Myself all signed shirts to remember him by... Naturally I got the pink one.
The Woods, the Missionary family who made our trip possible!
Me showing off my bigote at the airport before returning home... the 'stache is enhanced when accompanied by a sombrero and musical instruments... no doubt.
Learning... a never ending process...
Let's see... don't even know where to begin this post or what to call it... I'll have to think of a title when I've finished putting my thoughts down. I still haven't been able to get a USB cord for my camera to put up pictures of our Mexico trip, hopefully I can take care of that today or tomorrow since I have a bit of free time on my hands I hope to be able to work that out.
Since the last posting on soccer camps we were able to finish up what I felt was a successful week of camps. Kids were crazy, but I am bit crazy too so it worked out. This week we have off from camps since it is July 4th weekend coming up... This break will be nice and much needed.
Our season so far has been going alright, we sit in 5th position in our region with 6 games left. We are still very much in the run for post season and within reach of the top of the league but we'll have to stop drawing our matches and start getting some wins. Currently our record is 3-2-5... I've been playing well and have been floating around in positions on the the field from defense, to midfield, and even forward... Coach has told me that playing the Utility role is a bit tough on a summer team with lots of new players every year, and I've noticed where he comes from. Still I feel I have grown a lot as a player and a "sports minister".
I've found myself getting pretty stretched between trying to juggle friends, work, and soccer... Unfortunately yesterday I was reminded about something that tends to wear me down real quick. People pleasing. I struggle with saying "no" and as a result get buried in things to do/people to please. I understand that I can't please everyone, and that I shouldn't live to please people but to please God and God only... yet for some reason I still struggle with saying "no" to people, especially when they are trying to do something for me. Which seemed to be everyone yesterday since it was my birthday.
I am not a fan of birthdays, well I love other people's birthdays but I struggle with my birthday. I have never been one to organize or lead any sort of big celebration and am very content on being in the presence of good company, hang out or maybe dinner. But because I never know what I want to do on my birthday, or what I want when people are trying to do something for me... since they still want to do something for me, I've just made it more difficult on them and myself. That is what happened yesterday with trying to accommodate all those who had me in mind, and unfortunately my host family got the brunt end of my craziness. I'm sure my host parents were a bit more understanding, but I struggle with letting kids down and not being here for the birthday dinner they had planned for me would, in most cases, fall in that category.
So since then I've been wondering why it is I struggle so much with people pleasing? Or if it's just that I can stand someone being disappointed in me? It has to be disappointment, because anger doesn't bother me. Probably because if someone is disappointed in me (or I feel I have disappointed someone if they really aren't) it probably means I have "failed" on some level. I also struggle with failure, I hate failing. However without failure it would be awful hard to get grow or respond to life as we are challenged. God doesn't want us to fail, in fact C.S. Lewis says that God wants just the opposite, that God desires to make us perfect. Not only that, but He would... if it wasn't for us always getting in the way. Someone once prayed for me that God would "Help me fail..." or better understand what it is that God wants us to take away from our failures that shapes us into a more useful tool to do His works. 4 years later I'm still working on it... And I probably will continue to work on it for a very long time.
These were just some current thoughts that I felt putting on paper would do me some good... I know that failure is inevitable... that I am not perfect... but it is also something that I easily forget.
Thank you all again for your prayers and support... We have a game coming up wednesday and I've been seeing quite a bit of playing time, pray that I stay healthy and that I can be used by God wherever He has me... Blessings!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Team Yaaaa mooonnnn! Go Jamaica!
Thanks to "Intern Ashley" (that's what I call her) working for the Seahorses we have some great photos from camps that I can put up... So far camps have been going good, this is our first week and we are just getting into the camp routine, but things are starting to smooth themselves out.
My group of kids meets by the Jamaican flag, so we have decided to call ourselves "Team Ya Mon", naturally... I'll be sure to add more photos and update more information as the weeks go on camps but they have been great. We get participate in crazy sock day, crazy hair day, favorite jersey day, and all sorts of fun stuff that a big kid like me loves to do. As you can see they keep me smiling and hopefully these young ones will walk away from camp with Jesus on their hearts and in their minds.
Everyday has a theme verse that includes a skit during "half-time" followed by a bible story- the theme and verse for the week of camp is "All My Might- Colossians 1:29 and for this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me."
It really has been an awesome experience being able to work in an environment like the Seahorse organization... can't tell you all how much I've learned already in my first month of being here. We have a game tomorrow night so I'll be sure to update you all as soon as this camp schedule allows. Blessings,

Me being the Commissioner for World Cup- I make the trades.

Brian sniffing his ball during warm up.

Crazy sock day.

Scott- He's my little Ukranian Baller.

Rockin Raquel

Summer Camp
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