Friday, November 9, 2012

Make me new...

Lord, on the outside I may appear righteous,
but that is only because people can neither see my heart 
or know my thoughts.

Make me new, make my heart new.

I say what people want to hear, because it's easy.
But without a foundation of truth there will be no trust.
If I cannot trust, I will struggle to love.

Make me new, make my words true.

How often I forget of your faithful provision,
how easy is it to forget of your unfailing love.

Make me new, restore to me steadfast love and faithfulness.

I say in words, "I forgive you."
But my heart is a fortress of bitter resentment
leaving no room for your radical grace.

Make me new, restore to me your likeness that I may forgive
and respond in love.

Too often I know what is best for me, as well as for others,
yet my knowledge keeps me from giving life-breathing encouragement
and keeps my ears from listening to life-saving perspective.

Make me new, break down my stubborn pride.

You have created me in your image to reflect your likeness.
Yet too often I bear the image of another,
and resemble the likeness of hatred, pride, and a self-centered, conditional love 
of a finite human trying to be God.

Make me new, Lord, created in your perfect image and likeness to do good works
and to reflect your love, joy, peace, and justice among the nations.

Lord, you make all things new.

Make me new, again.

And he who was seated on the throne said, "Behold, I am making all things new."  
Revelation 21:5 ESV