While I had originally started this "blog" in efforts to keep my supporters well informed of my summer working with Missionary Athletes International (MAI). Months later I have decided to get back into the e-journaling world, mainly for the sake of sanity.
It really has seemed like my first semester of Grad school flew by, I constantly find myself having to make time to stop and think about all that is going on in my life. Work has been great, co-workers have been easy to work with, the job has been fun, and while there has been a lot of learning that needed to take place (and is continuing to take place) I have been able to look back and realize how much easier I could have made everything if I just had some of the knowledge and experience I have now. I guess that is just part of the learning process.
With that said, my most recent thoughts have been pertaining to my time management and trying to juggle class, work, coaching and weekend trips with Outdoor Pursuits... In the middle of all that I had going on, my fear was that somewhere a long the lines one of these areas was going to get the short end of the stick. What I found out is that each area had its turn at getting the short end of the stick at some point or another. At one point in the Semester when feeling just a little burnt out my boss had said something to me that someone had once told him. We need to be careful when we feel burnt out because it may not be that we just do not have enough time to do it... but have unfortunately misplaced our desire to do it or do it all.
Even though I am still alive and kicking I feel like I have been able to regroup... refocus my efforts, and reestablish my priorities... Hopefully in blogging about these I can be reminded of past problems, or possible future problems that may seem to be unfolding... and if this happens to be the only post you see in two months, well that may just be the case, and I may have found my sanity... but I probably just decided I didn't have time for it. One of these days I may just get this time management thing down, I'd like that.